Tag Archives: girl

i’m not lovin’ it

You know when you have all these expectations about a day, and instead it turns out shitty? Maybe not shitty, but nothing exciting happened. It’s just mundane. Yeah, that’s the kind of day I had. I’m sadly eating my big mac. Maybe i’m just PMS’ing really hard. But really, why can’t life be more exciting? Am I doing something wrong? Probably.

Too lazy to change my circumstances.

My View

She had long, wavy, auburn hair. It did not shine, but it did not bore. Her hair almost touched her hips. The wind blew caressing her tresses as she tamed them with her small fingers. Short bitten fingernails. She had a tattoo on her left wrist. Something a young person would get. I wonder what the story behind it is. As she ran her fingers through her hair attempting to fix it, I can see it was not her natural hair color because of the dark roots contrasting with the rest of her hair. Dark like soil and then a cascading red brown. She has not done her hair in a while. She probably didn’t do it this morning since it is tousled and messy. Some strands wavy, and some strands a knotted curl. Maybe she was a messy person.
She’s walking towards a bench at school. Her legs short and thick. Not so thick that she belongs in a hip hop music video, but thick enough to fill her shorts. She had bruises and scratches on her legs. Little kid legs. They also seemed dry, neglecting cream, but they seemed soft to the touch. She had worn down converse. They were dirty, but she didn’t seem to care. She wore a Chili Cook-Off shirt that she cut up to look like a muscle t shirt. I can see it in the cut sleeves. Her arms were a golden tan. The color looked fresh which means she must have been out in the sun recently. Her shoulders were staring to peel. As she sat down, she smelled like warm wood, vanilla, and chocolate. I can also smell the Dove scent from her deodorant. It’s a hot day and I can see freckles of sweat on her skin. She wiped her forehead.
Her eyes were plain, and naked. Almond shaped and small. Small, but they appear to be big at the same time. Her eyelashes were short and pointed straight out. Brown eyes, but when the sun gleamed into them, they let out this milk chocolate. You can see the dullness in her eyes. She would rather be somewhere else than here. Dark eyebrows that complimented her face. They were tamed and seemed freshly done. A pink undertone highlighting around them.
Her nose had a protruding bone. Not so much that took away from her face, but noticeable enough to give her character. She had freckles on her nose, three at least, and few spaced out ones on her cheek. Her cheek bones were there but not enough to give her an edge. She seemed almost cherubic and innocent. She has not been worn down by enough experience. Her skin had blemishes. She had some red marks on her cheeks, and you can see she tried hiding them with her powder. Her face seemed freshly tan as well, especially her forehead. She had the right amount of lip. It looked friendly, and not uptight. They seem chapped and bitten. Her two front teeth peek out of her opened lips.
Crossing her legs, she took out a bag of nacho cheese chips and a Dr. Pepper. I can hear the fizz let out of the can and hear her gulping it down. She looked around and seemed to escape into her thoughts. She had this lost look, but knew where she was. I wonder what she’s thinking about. Her almond eyes followed everyone that walked by. I wonder what she thought about them. She finished her snack and took her phone. She began to type with this light in her face. Maybe her thoughts? Is she writing about me like I’m writing about her? She will not look up. Only at times when it feels like she is staring at me.

What is she writing?