Tag Archives: High School

Dusty High School Nostalgia

I had a half empty bottle of windex on my right hand. I had a spongy roll of paper towels on my left. This messy 18 year old has had enough. Yes, this is happening mother.
It’s time to clean.

Cleaning is like an adventure. Discovering candy wrappers that have hidden in the corners of your room, long lost socks accumulated with the dusts under your bed, asking yourself why your red bra is chillin’ on top of your lamp, and then you find high school. I find notes and pictures that take me back to the four years I wanted to get over with. I swear, there were no tears in my eyes but my insides were having an emotional melt down. 99.9% of the time while cleaning you will find nostalgia. It can be hanging out in your closet or just sitting there inside your drawer. The one you never open. The one that is a bitch to open.
I was rummaging through all these high school mementos and I think back to every moment i’ve had there. It’s so sad. How time just flies. I am freshly out of high school, class of ’12, but now I understand. Now I understand all you old people. I miss high school and being 15. I mean, i’m still young, but it’s hitting me. Next month i’ll be 19 and living my LAST teenage year. Time is moving fast and i’m already being nostalgic about my 20’s and they haven’t even happened. UGH I hate cleaning. THIS IS WHAT IT DOES.
Anyway, I was just looking through all these pictures and I never realized how amazing my moments were.

I shall enter memory lane…

I remembered my freshmen year being the best out of all four years. The perverted jokes, the new friends, the feeling of maturing because now we all had separate desks. THE INDEPENDENCE OF HAVING SEPARATE DESKS DAMMIT. It was beautiful, scary, and exciting.
I started to curse. A lot.
I remember my first high school crush and how he didn’t want me until I completely lost interest in him, and I was a total bitch. REALLY, LIFE?
When I realized the guy I liked all along was one of my closest friends and he liked me too. Unfortunately, he moved to fucking Narnia when I came to the realization. REALLY, LIFE?
I remember having that first friend who came to me with all these sex stories. I then realized that people really DO have sex in high school. My innocence… gone.
Reading the Scarlet Letter. I loved it, though.
First concerts.
Summer reading. The options were horrible books by the way.
Laughing. Endless laughter.
People screaming shenanigans in the hallways at 7AM.
People actually brought you things when it was your birthday. The lunch machine even tells you happy birthday when you put your lunch number.
Talking shit in the bathroom.
Hating my body. Insecurities like never before.
Witnessed my first bloody fight while eating pizza in the cafeteria. Apparently the girl wanted the other girl to back off her man…
Skipping classes to walk around the halls. A real rebel.
Losing friends.
Having my first kiss with a guy I totally did not like. I was lonely. His breath tasted like weed. I am still disgusted.
The first time I smoked weed.
The first time a boy made me feel special. But, things happen. REALLY, LIFE?
My best friend took her moms car and we went for a joy ride. My neck was hurting for a week… Awesome!
Learning to drive. Near death experiences…
Getting my first tattoo when I turned 18.
Sleepless nights doing homework I left for last minute.
Copying homework. Hey, you gotta do what you gotta do.
When I didn’t go to Prom, aha.
Never had a high school sweetheart.
Realization that I get bored of people.
Realization that I enjoy my company the best.
Realization that I still get lonely and want someone to hold my hand and buy me flowers. *cries*
Easy classes. Easy A’s. Except math. I’ve always been bad at math.
Math for virtual school. The struggle…
The thought of me not graduating because I suck at math. The tears.
Getting caught sneaking out of school. I suck at being bad. I gave it a try. Thank God my record is angelic so I didn’t get in trouble.
Having a serious case of SENIORITIS.
When I rented a room with my friends at the beach and went to all the prom after parties.
Getting FUCKED up. So much fun.
Having an emotional meltdown with my best friend once our high went down. So many I love you’s. Everywhere.
Graduating. The bitter sweet “fuck yeah!”

I miss you, high school. I did some dumb stuff. Now, I actually have to grow up… A LITTLE. I’m still 18, bitches. It’s like I have alcohol naturally running through my bloodstream. I’m obviously going to make some irresponsible decisions. That’s the beauty of being young. Young, foul mouthed, and fun.

I’m gonna go eat a thousand cookies.