Tag Archives: reality sucks

Self Improvement

I always say i’m going to improve myself. That I will wake up every morning and go out for a run as well as stop wearing the same converse I wear everyday. I tell myself i’ll do my hair as well as go get a manicure and pedicure. Hey, maybe i’ll finish some assignments for school that i’ve totally ignored. Math homework?! Count me in! The thing is I never do and I end up feeling like a big blub. I’m just lazy and i’d rather sleep in ’till 12pm. Go to school with unbrushed hair and groggy eyes. Taking the same converse out and about with my very naked short nails. Not understand a word my spanglish math teacher is saying. Just feel slow and not awesome the whole day. This is called sloth lifestyle and it is not okay. I don’t have enough of that natural beauty to be living like this OR a powerful left brain. I hate you, math. I need to start caring for myself.
So, I woke up today at 7AM with the intentions of going out for a morning run. A morning run to clear my mind and soul as well as the very disgusting pores in my skin. I wanted that runners high and glow.
I woke up, turned off my alarm, rolled over to look at my cute little pup sleeping next to me, then stared at the ceiling. Staring at the ceiling and thinking about my future and whether I should start that english research paper or do some math problems. Should I apply for a job at Publix? I need the dough for now and my car is the ultimate gas guzzler. Then, staring at the ceiling, I entered dreamland. The fan girl in me started thinking about T Mills well sculpted, large, tattooed hands holding me…
I didn’t run.
Reality sucks and living inside my head is way better. Reality is me in my pajamas wearing penguin socks looking like a slug on my bed. Reality is me breaking out and my jeans feeling a little too tight after all the junk I ate this weekend. But, in my head, I am a beautiful brunette with soap opera hair and naturally photoshopped looking skin. I strut in my sundress being the envy of every girl. Brains? Who needs them when i’m beautiful. T Mills is my boyfriend. And, yes, I made him settle down.
Point is I can’t keep living like this. It’s nice to day dream but I don’t want to be caught up in La La Land. Can’t have my head in the clouds forever. This is time to grow up. Coming of age.
I need to accept reality, and make my reality as amazing as a dream. I will run. And I will take care of all my college duties. Tomorrow…

I should work on my procrastination too.