Tag Archives: food

a thursday night at a wing bar

one of those nights where everything feels just right. the wings are hot enough to bring out the blood in your cheeks and the plumpness to your lips. the beer is cold enough to make your insides feel like the sun and your smile like spaghetti. the night is complemented by a smiling moon and the sports bar is playing just the right tunes. you sit across one of your best friends as you laugh about how fat you both are for finishing 25 wings and cheese fries. it’s one of those nights that take you to a place where it feels like you’re at the right place in your life even when yesterday you felt like you were always driving in the wrong directions. it’s those nights that feed your soul and leave you calm knowing that things will be alright. 


i want to taste life
i want to slurp it like hot spaghetti
i want it to color my lips with the bright rouge of tomato sauce
i want to grab it with my chopsticks and devour it
i want to eat it up while sitting on the ground with my bare feet
i want syrup sticking to my fingers and the corners of my mouth
i want to kiss life’s cheek with a sugary glue
i want to feel it boil my blood like too much hot sauce on a Mexican night
i want to bite into every bit of it like a meaty burger spouting red juice
i want to get my hands dirty
i want to lick my fingers like I lick the juices off love
i want to taste love
love and life
powdered by happiness
i want to feel the rhythm of this existence
i want it to dominate my hips
hug my curves
and grab my wet cavity
i want to taste the wind hitting my teeth and kissing my hair
i want to grab all of this and inject it into my bloodstream
i want to feed myself what this world has to offer
I want to taste

but all I get
are the crumbs
of a saltine cracker

my mind is like egg yolk
soft enough to burst
and spill everywhere with
thoughts savory enough to eat with your fingers
split my brain in half like an orange
squeeze me into your favorite glass
the most important meal of the day
consists of my mind
you won’t forget the taste of it

Denny’s doesn’t have You on the menu

your egg shell cracks at my touch
as I lay you on my plate,
your insides resemble egg yolk,
warm enough to lick,
soft enough to burst
like a yellow ocean.
I split your brain like an orange
and squeeze it into a glass.
I drink your voice like coffee,
pouring that into my mug.
I can smell your essence.
you’re my tongues favorite taste.

I Need Afternoon Breakfast and A Bed

It’s only 4PM and I am done for the day. I have 5AM eyes that have barely slept or even had an ounce of coffee. It’s 4PM and i’m craving the burnt toast with butter I did not have this morning. I want donuts, bagels, pancakes, hash browns, and waffles. I want sunny side up eggs with the yolk just delicate enough to spill out across the plate. I woke up this morning but I didn’t live this morning. Waking up in a rush and not even being able to enjoy at least a cracker. Some days I don’t care, but today I care. I wish I had my morning back and I could use it the way it’s supposed to be used. It’s almost 5PM and I can’t wait until I come home. I am irritated by the blonde woman behind me with a voice that stabs. I am irritated by the very thought of not being able to squish her head and ram it across the table. I am irritated that all my money is at home and I have nothing to eat except for my water. I am irritated that this day is not going faster. I am irritated by the fact that i’m not in bed. I am so irritated, and the annoying woman just coughed. How DARE you cough. You cannot cough because I am irritated with you, do you not see? Stop talking.
I wish I slept a little earlier, woke up a little earlier, and ate a little better.
I am stuck at school until 7PM and i’m being surrounded by people who irritate the murderer in me. This is what being up before the sun does to you.

I understand serial killers.

Rolling my eyes at you, Monday.
I need a fat blunt, my dog, my bed, some food, and my iTunes.

Simple Tuesday

So far, today has been a very simple boring day. I still love it though. I woke up, and though I may not have followed through with the plan of me running, I did wake up to a very special person in my life sleeping next to me. My beautiful little dog. Yes, dogs are people too! It’s so dumb but I am in love with my dog. Who isn’t in love with their pet? Just waking up to my Princess is enough. Bad day or good, that’s the first good thing of any of my days.
Next, I received an email around 9AM from Chili’s. I got a coupon for free chips and queso! My heart did cartwheels and became a full out gymnastics bitch. I love food. I love chips and queso. I love chips and queso from Chili’s. I love you, Chili’s. You don’t know how happy you made me with that coupon. It was kinda embarrassing that I went to the computer lab at school JUST to print that coupon. I’m a broke fat bitch right now. You understand?
Later, my mom gave me gas money. Thank you.
Then, I came to my english class early for the first fucking time in years. It was a very slack class. Easy A.
Now, I am home in my comfy clothes and eating pizza with cheese sticks and nuggets. I’ve had two Capri Suns because we all know one is NEVER enough.
In the later future, like in twenty minutes, I will catch up on the third and fourth episode of Bates Motel. That show has got me fucking hooked.

Grateful for having such a nice day.