Tag Archives: Tuesdays

Simple Tuesday

So far, today has been a very simple boring day. I still love it though. I woke up, and though I may not have followed through with the plan of me running, I did wake up to a very special person in my life sleeping next to me. My beautiful little dog. Yes, dogs are people too! It’s so dumb but I am in love with my dog. Who isn’t in love with their pet? Just waking up to my Princess is enough. Bad day or good, that’s the first good thing of any of my days.
Next, I received an email around 9AM from Chili’s. I got a coupon for free chips and queso! My heart did cartwheels and became a full out gymnastics bitch. I love food. I love chips and queso. I love chips and queso from Chili’s. I love you, Chili’s. You don’t know how happy you made me with that coupon. It was kinda embarrassing that I went to the computer lab at school JUST to print that coupon. I’m a broke fat bitch right now. You understand?
Later, my mom gave me gas money. Thank you.
Then, I came to my english class early for the first fucking time in years. It was a very slack class. Easy A.
Now, I am home in my comfy clothes and eating pizza with cheese sticks and nuggets. I’ve had two Capri Suns because we all know one is NEVER enough.
In the later future, like in twenty minutes, I will catch up on the third and fourth episode of Bates Motel. That show has got me fucking hooked.

Grateful for having such a nice day.